Animal Control Services

For emergencies please call Kaua`i Police Department at 808-241-1711.

For non-emergencies please call Kaua`i Humane Society Animal Control Dispatch at 808-632-0610 EXT 105 or email

The Kaua’i Humane Society is a service of the County of Kaua’i.

KHS is contracted to respond to stray dog pickup and custody seizures; investigation and citation for leash laws; nuisances committed by dogs; barking dogs; dangerous dog claims; licensing; investigating animal cruelty, neglect, and abuse; and picking up injured, distressed, sick/ill animals. KHS will also remove deceased dogs from roadways.

If you believe your pet was stolen and would like to report it, please do so Members of the public can report criminal (not in progress) and non-criminal activity and submit all supporting documentation through the link and KPD dispatch will assign it to an officer to investigate.

KHS offers the following Animal Control Services to the public:



Please bring the stray dog to KHS. The shelter is open daily from 10AM to 6PM. If you are unable to bring the dog to the shelter for any reason, please follow these steps:

1) Try to confine the dog.

2) Observe the dog for any injuries and any proof of ownership (collar or tags).

3) If the dog has a phone number on its tag please call it to make contact with the owner.

4) If the dog is wearing a license call KHS and we will connect you with the owner.

5) If the dog does not have any identification call KHS and an officer will be dispatched to collect the confined stray.

KHS does not pick up stray cats unless they are injured, distressed, sick, or ill.


How to File a Complaint for a Barking Dog:

According to our local Kauai ordinances a barking dog is any dog that barks, whines, howls, cries or makes any other noise intermittently for a period of thirty (30) minutes within a forty-five (45) minute period of time, or continuously or incessantly for a period of fifteen (15) minutes. Dogs that are barking at a person or animal trespassing, threatening to trespass, teasing, or provoking is not considered to be a nuisance.

* Barking dog nuisance complaints are not anonymous as Kauai Humane Society works to assist neighbors and the dog owner in finding a resolution. *

In order to file a complaint, the below listed steps are required in order:

  1. Review the above information to determine if the dog meets the requirements of a barking dog nuisance. If your complaint does not meet the ordinance definition of a barking dog, KHS will not respond.
  2. If your complaint does meet the ordinance definition of a barking dog as listed above, you must provide a 15-30 minute audio or video recording of the barking dog and submit the recording in the required form on our website. Item #3 explains how to access the form.

Complete the Barking Dog Nuisance Complaint Form and submit it to (incomplete forms will not be reviewed). You can also find the form HERE


 If it is determined that the dog is a nuisance a Humane Officer will make contact with you and the owner of the dog to assist in identifying the cause of the barking and recommend possible solutions.


Steps toward resolving a barking dog nuisance:

  1. Engage your neighbor, make them aware of your concerns.

  2. Work with your neighbor to investigate the cause of the barking. Is the dog barking at something it sees or hears? Is the dog seeking attention? Is the dog barking because another dog is barking?

  3. Form an agreement with your neighbor through mediation.

Barking Dog Help Sheet

The most common reasons a dog barks are:

  • Territorial Barking: A response to intruders, be it people or animals.

  • Alarm Barking: A response to specific sounds or sights.

  • Attention-Seeking: To gain a reward or attention, like food.

  • Greeting: A bark to say “hello!”

  • Compulsive Barking: This may be for no apparent reason, but the dog gets agitated and may pace.

  • Socially Facilitated: A response to another dog barking.

  • Frustration-Induced: A response to confinement or separation.

Other problems that can cause barking are illness/injury or separation anxiety (barking when a dog’s caretaker leaves, which may also include destruction and pacing).

Tips to end repetitive barking:

  • Remove the stimulation (the reason the dog is barking)

    • Move the dog to another part of the yard or house

    • Place a barrier between the animal and the stimulus

      • Examples are a fence or curtain

  • Ignore the barking

    • If the dog is barking to get your attention, ignore them until they stop. Only reward them when they are quiet.

  • Keep your dog tired by giving them exercise or time to run around

  • Keep your dog busy by providing them with toys and puzzles

  • Desensitize your dog to the stimulus (get them use to what is bothering them)

  • If your dog is kept inside, consider playing a tv or radio for them

  • Teach the “Quiet” command

  • Use stress-reducing tools

    • Anxiety wraps and jackets are helpful for stressed and anxious dogs

    • Stress-reducing collars use herbal mixtures to relieve anxiety

    • Stress-reducing sprays

  • Use a spray collar (however some dogs learn to revert back to barking when they are not wearing the collar, the same goes for shock collars)

Make sure everyone in your family is teaching the dog the same lesson of when it is ok to bark and when it is not. Don’t yell at your dog to be quiet—it just sounds like you’re barking along with them. Never use a muzzle or tie your dog’s mouth closed with rope, cord, rubber bands or anything else to keep your dog quiet.


You’ve Found a Feral Cat – Now What?

*  The Kaua`i Humane Society will no longer accept healthy feral cats. * 

  • Kittens of 8-10 weeks of age that are handleable, will be accepted for intake.
  • Cats that can be removed from carrier and handled will be accepted for intake. The cat must be handled by you and not a member of our staff. 
  • Any sick, injured, or in distress cats will be accepted for intake.
  • Feral cats will be scanned for a microchip if scanning can be performed safely and without fear of the cat getting loose. If the carrier holding the cat will not allow for this process to be done safely the cat will not be scanned. 
    • If the feral cat does not have a microchip inform the customer they must return the feline to the location it was found/trapped.
    • If the feral cat has a microchip it will be in taken as a stray. The cat will be held for 24 hours while the documented owner is contacted.
      • If owner does not pick-up within 24 hour hold, KHS will notify KCCP for pickup.

KHS will not be accepting any feral cats (without microchips), including those surrendered by the USDA, DLNR/DFW, and any businesses (including hotels). KHS will not be accepting any payment in order to surrender a feral cat.


Tips & Suggestions for Handling a Feral Cat on Your Property: 

  • ScareCrow: This motion-activated sprinkler has an infrared sensor that releases a three-second blast of water. The sprinkler “fires” 1,000 times on one nine-volt battery and covers an area 45 by 35 feet long.
  • CatScat: These harmless mats or carpet runners are made of flexible plastic spikes. Place on the ground with spike side up to discourage cats from digging.
  • Other digging deterrents: Push chopsticks into small potted plants. Use pinecones, lava rocks, concrete pavers or stones as mulch to prevent cats from digging. Place large river rocks throughout the garden or use poultry fencing or landscape wrap around plants.
  • Smells that repel cats: To keep cats out of yards or gardens, plant the herb rue or sprinkle dried rue. Citrus or lemon scents, garlic, ammonia, vinegar, coffee grinds, pipe tobacco, mustard, citronella, or eucalyptus all deter cats as well. The scents diminish over time, so re-applying is necessary.
  • Neutralizing urine smell: OdoBan, Nature’s Miracle, Fizzion and Simple Solution are effective natural enzyme products that are available at pet supply stores or online.
  • Blocking off access: Cats seek out dry, warm shelter away from the elements. Block off access to the places in which you don’t want cats (making sure no cats are inside before doing so). To guide cats away from those areas, provide another shelter. There are many inexpensive options for community cat shelters.

We Do Not Handle

Removal of deceased animals (besides dogs) from State Highway on Kauai:

○ State of Hawaii, Department of Transportation is the correct agency to contact
■ Phone: (808) 241-3000

Removal of deceased animals (besides dogs) from County Roads on Kauai:

○ County of Kaua’i Public Works Roads Division
■ Phone: (808) 241-4847

Matters concerning wildlife:

○ Native birds and Kaua’i’s only native land mammal, the Hawaiian Hoary Bat, can be
reported to Save Our Shearwaters
■ For general information and questions, there is a contact form to fill out on their
■ For a bird emergency (for a native bird or Hawaiian Hoary Bat only), call 808-

○ For Hawaiian Monk Seal response:
■ Statewide NOAA hotline at: (888) 256-9840
○ Reporting Sea Turtle Stranding, Entanglement, or Injury:
■ Statewide NOAA hotline: (888) 256-9840
■ State of Hawaii DLNR Division of Aquatic Resources (DAR): (808) 587-0100

Matters concerning Game Birds and Game Mammals:

o Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Kaua’i
 (808) 274-3433 or (808) 645-1576

Matters concerning Invasive Species:

o Kaua’i Invasive Species Committee (808) 821-1490

Shelter Max Capacity: We have over 80 dogs and 220 cats available for adoption!