Your Generosity Makes our Lifesaving Work Possible.

Donate Today.

Kaua’i Humane Society is a local, independent 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Since 1952, KHS has been serving the island of Kaua’i as its only animal welfare organization and shelter.

Kaua’i Humane Society is not affiliated with any other local or national animal welfare organization and depends on generous contributions from individuals and businesses to continue to fund programs and services that are vital to our island community and the animals we all love.

We carefully guard every resource we have to maximize the number of animals we can save.  Even though our adoption fees do not cover all the costs associated with our rescues, we never want to turn away a dog or cat based on their medical needs, or be forced to end treatment due to cost alone. Instead, we fight tooth and nail to support our animals in every way that we can. We can only do this with your help!

Kaua’i Humane accepts donations online and by mail to our Post Office Box at:

Kaua’i Humane Society
PO Box 3330
Lihue, HI 96766

Our Tax ID is 99-0089250 and gifts are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Our Mission:

The Kauai Humane Society is dedicated to fostering respect, responsibility and compassion for all animals and enriching lives by nurturing healthy relationships between pets and people.

Give the Gift of Sponsorship!

Sponsorship is a great way to support a particular dog or cat or show others how much you support KHS!

Sponsor a Transfer:

Transferring animals to the mainland is one essential way that we ensure our animals find forever homes. YOU can sponsor a freedom flight for one lucky dog or cat.

  • $150 sponsors a flight
  • $200 sponsors a flight plus necessary vetting
  • $350 sponsors a flight, vetting, and an airline approved travel crate

Please email for more information

Sponsor a Kennel

With a $150 monthly donation, you can provide all of the food, cleaning, toys, and supplies for the entire month! We will send you updates of the guests in the kennel, we will place a plaque with your name and message on the door, but best of all you get to save the lives of the animals that call this temporary space “home.” Join our team of committed donors, who provide a safe place for animals while they wait for their forever home.

Celebrate with a Custom KHS E-Card!

Finding that perfect gift can be a challenge, but saving lives doesn’t have to be.

Send a KHS E-card to your friends and family to show that you care about them and the dogs & cats of Kaua`i. Simply choose your card, write your personal message and we will do the rest!

Donate in Memory of Your Pet

Your donation in honor or memory of an animal in your life, will help a future Kauai dog or cat have a chance to find a family just like yours! When you donate select “In Memory of” and put your pet’s name.

Losing a pet is more than difficult. It’s more than sad. It’s downright heartbreaking, because you’ve lost more than just a four-legged companion. You have lost part of yourself.

Celebrate the great life you and your dog or cat shared. Please share your photo and story about a special animal in your life or the life of a friend or loved-one. Gifts in honor of another’s animal will be acknowledged with a special note from KHS.

Valentine's Adoption Special: From Feb. 1-14, adopt a shelter pet for just $14!